Users can filter their search results with new keywords, applicants, dates, IPC...
The Filters Tab is filled with scroll down menus presenting a brief analysis of search results and will be applied to the selected query. Scroll down menu are covering main patent fields: Country code, Applicants, Inventors, Dates, IPC, CPC ...
Each menu presents the items sorted by frequency (based on the first 5000 patents of the main query).
Each item of these menus can be selected (double click) and be added to the Filters box.
Once your filter is ready, Click Search under the filter box. A new query is performed using your basic query AND the Filter content.
The Filters box can also be modified by the user: integrating keywords, changing boolean operators, integrating truncations ...
The filter content can also be merged with the main query using the Merge button under filters text box.
Moreover, filters can be saved in your Patent Pulse account using Save button. And re-used with the My saved filters menu.
Concepts are automatically generated by Patent Pulse and based on the text analysis (text mining) of the Abstract and Title of the selected query.
Select the concepts you want to explore, and click the Search button (bottom of the concept list) to access to the patents.
On top of the list, the Search box can help you with identifying relevant concepts by typing first letters items.
IMPORTANT: Filters and Concepts are calculated based on the selected query. If the query is modified by a filter, then the concepts will be dynamically calculated based on the query AND the filter.
With the keyword suggestion tool, find new relevant keywords based on one keyword.
Just type your keyword in the text box, and select the keywords by clicking in the proposals presented
Finalize with Add button to integrate the keywords into your query.
Perform queries based on claim text, and find patents with similar claims.
Option 1: based on an existing patent
Option 2: based on free text
Enter CLAIM SIMILARITY option (under main search box)
Type a claim from an existing patent, test a claim for a future patent application
Search can be made on EP WO or US databases
Search relevant technological classification codes in the IPC (international patent classification) or CPC (cooperative patent classification) databases. These codes are describing the technological content of the patents (added during examination).
Two ways to operate:
Once selected, the classification codes can be sent directly in the search box by clicking on the [+] button